个人信息简介 姓名:任河 出生年月:1995.6 职称:助理研究员 毕业院校:中国矿业大学(北京) 学位:博士 邮箱:renhe9563@tjnu.edu.cn/renhe9563@163.com |
1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目“黄淮海平原采煤沉陷时空过程与生态效应研究”(4207010704), 2020年1月-2024年12月(参与人)
2. 国家重点研发计划子课题“东部草原区表土低成本替代材料开发”(2016YFC0501103-5), 2016年7月-2020年9月(参与)
3. 中国矿业大学(北京)研究生科研创新能力提升项“以植被为响应因子的复垦后煤矸石山自燃预警研究”(2021YJSDC09), 2021年1月-2021年12月(主持)
4. 辽宁省自然资源厅项目“阜新市海州露天矿土壤及生态修复关键技术研究”(参与人)
5. 辽宁省自然资源厅项目“抚顺露天矿土壤及生态修复关键技术研究”(参与人)
1.Ren, H., Xiao, W., & Zhao, Y. (2023). Examining the effect of spontaneous combustion on vegetation restoration at coal waste dumps after reclamation: Taking Medicago sativa L.(alfalfa) as an indicator. Science of The Total Environment, 165668.
2.Ren, H., Zhao, Y., Xiao, W., Zhang, J., Chen, C., Ding, B. and Yang, X., 2022. Vegetation growth status as an early warning indicator for the spontaneous combustion disaster of coal waste dump after reclamation: An unmanned aerial vehicle remote sensing approach. Journal of Environmental Management, 317, p.115502
3.Ren, H., Zhao, Y., Xiao, W., Yang, X., Ding, B. and Chen, C., 2022. Monitoring potential spontaneous combustion in a coal waste dump after reclamation through UAV RGB imagery‐based on alfalfa above-ground biomass (AGB). Land Degradation & Development.
4.Ren, H., Zhao, Y., Xiao, W., Wang, X. and Sui, T., 2020. An improved ground control point configuration for digital surface model construction in a coal waste dump using an unmanned aerial vehicle system. Remote Sensing, 12(10), p.1623.
5.Ren, H., Xiao, W., Zhao, Y. and Hu, Z., 2020. Land damage assessment using maize above-ground biomass estimated from unmanned aerial vehicle in high groundwater level regions affected by underground coal mining. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 27(17), pp.21666-21679
6.Ren, H., Zhao, Y., Xiao, W., Li, J. and Yang, X., 2021. Influence of management on vegetation restoration in coal waste dump after reclamation in semi-arid mining areas: examining Sheng-Li coalfield in Inner Mongolia, China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 28(48), pp.68460-68474.
7.Ren, H., Zhao, Y., Xiao, W. and Hu, Z., 2019. A review of UAV monitoring in mining areas: Current status and future perspectives. International Journal of Coal Science & Technology, 6(3), pp.320-333
8.Xiao, W., Ren, H., Sui, T., Zhang, H., Zhao, Y. and Hu, Z., 2022. A drone-and field-based investigation of the land degradation and soil erosion at an opencast coal mine dump after 5 years’ evolution of natural processes. International Journal of Coal Science & Technology, 9(1), pp.1-17
9.肖武, 任河, 吕雪娇等.基于无人机遥感对高潜水位采煤沉陷湿地植被分类. 农业机械学报,2019, 50 (2)
10.肖武, 任河, 赵艳玲等.紫花苜蓿对于复垦后煤矸石山复燃预警的可行性探究. 煤炭科学技术, 2023. accept
11.肖武, 陈佳乐, 笪宏志, 任河, 张建勇, 张雷. 基于无人机影像的采煤沉陷区玉米生物量反演与分析. 农业机械学报. 2018, 49(8):169-80
12.赵艳玲,丁宝亮,何厅厅,肖武,任河.基于Google Earth Engine的采煤沉陷水体方向变化自动识别[J].煤炭学报,2022,47(07):2745-2755